Decoration in tree - Odoo
6 tháng 9, 2023 bởi
Decoration in tree - Odoo
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decoration in tree view odoo

1. decoration-bf: shows the record in Bold

2. decoration-it: shows the record in Italics

3. decoration-danger: shows the record in Light Red

4. decoration-info: shows the record in Light Blue

5. decoration-muted: shows the record in Light Gray

6. decoration-primary: shows the record in Light Purple

7. decoration-success: shows the record in Light Green

8. decoration-warning: shows the record in Light Brown

howto use?

<tree string="Danh sách" decoration-success="state == '3'" decoration-muted="state == '0'" >

<field name="state" optional="show" decoration-success="state == '1'"/>

# Odoo
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